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Family Photos 2020

Family photo with horse, 2 dogs, and married couple

Every year we *try* to update our family photos. This year we have 5 family members, instead of 4! Gracie is our horse, you've probably seen her quite a bit over the years. Phoebe is our corgi who we've had for almost 5 years! And Penny, the Dalmatian is our new addition, she just turned 1 year old in April & we love her so much. Our friend Jaden took these, my mom helped get everyone's attention, and I did the editing... Zach just sat there and looked good.

Headshot of Jeni with Jeni Jo Photography and her horse, Gracie, and camera
Zach and Gracie
Group hug with the dogs!
Jeni holding Phoebe. with her putting her paw on her shoulder
Jeni and her horse, Gracie and dog, Phoebe
Mossy the lab, Roxy the corgi, Penny the dalmatian, and Phoebe the corgi
Phoebe the corgi and Penny the dalmatian in Wenatchee


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